Monday, 14 July 2014

Enter The Portal, OF SPICA, Calling all Entrepreneurs!

Today 14th of July 2014 we have the planet Mars conjunct Spica in Libra at 23 degrees, of the sidereal constellation of Virgo. People who have planets tightly conjunct this fixed star, are afforded much honour and distinction, it is the most fortunate fixed star in the Zodiac, Spica is of the nature of Venus and Mars, so with Mars here it is time to Initiate or drive forward, your venture this is the ENTREPRENEUR"S transit, why?
This Portal is so significant as the Node, an astrological point calculated by the Moon's 19 year transit of the Zodiac, Which points to that what is destined, is conjunct Spica, also as well as a Grand trine to Venus in Gemini, also trining the Moon in Aquarius. Grand Trines is the most harmonious flow of energy that can be seen in an astrological chart, All of the three air sign are sweetly embracing, this is the portal to enter, to initiate, your future dream project, to secure a contract, that is futuristic in nature, especially artistic, or that which is co-operative, i.e with another business partner or even your group and associations.

With the Moon being in Aquarius, triggering Uranus, in Aries that is ruled by Mars, the celestial bodies are repeating a theme here.
Putting all this together, Aquarius is the masses of people, future dreams, and technology, Initiate a contract, to secure finance, even better if it's of an artistic nature, and drive your destiny forward, learn or utilise future technology, what may trend in the next few years. So much more I want to write about, but this is a Astro Emergency News Alert, so see you in the Portal. (hopefully add more if time permits.)

Oh, this is also Ace of Diamonds day. Leadership abilities, passion and high ambitions drive Ace Of Diamonds to the top positions at work and business. Ace Of Diamonds possess great self-motivating energy, unstoppable attitude, quick mind and creative nature.

Email. for an Astrological consultation. Telephone / skype or in person. 
Peace and Love!
Optiks Hamilton